Greenfield Certifiers Pty Ltd provide certification services to the greater Sydney metropolitan area.
We are a private certification company located in Castle Hill NSW who issue building approvals, carry out mandatory inspections during construction and issue occupation certificates.
We specialise in approvals for :

Our Services
Our Services include the issuing of construction certificates & complying development approvals, carry out mandatory inspections during construction and issue occupation certificates. We also prepare Building Code of Australia reports for DA/CC lodgements & unauthorised work.

Fast Track Approval
No Council delays waiting for Development Approval.
Greenfield issue approvals for shops,cafes, factories, warehouses, gyms, mezzanines under the Complying Development Code.Company Profile
Greenfield Certifiers Pty Ltd provide certification services to the greater Sydney metropolitan area.
Our staff have excellent knowledge of the building industry and building regulations from long careers in construction, local government, state government and private consultancy. As holders of A1 Level of Accreditation we are able to certify all building classifications including houses, retail, schools, factories and warehouses. To make sure we get it right our staff have a vast knowledge of the NSW Planning Portal and are encouraged to communicate with NSW Planning, Council staff and other Certifiers. Greenfield Certifiers engage a qualified town planner to provide compliance advice in regard to complying development applications. We believe that this legislation requires expert advice from a specialist.

To assist with the quoting process, please supply us with:
- Development consent & stamped plans
- Current section 10.7(2) planning certificate & architectural plans
Please email to:
For Project Home Builders or other Building Companies who wish to establish themselves as Regular Clients please contact us to
discuss your needs.